Thursday, September 22, 2011

Prose Wrestling

Professional Wrestling has always told stories. It's its own brand of fiction. Fighting fiction. In this way, it can be kind of limited because eventually somebody has to pin another guy. I think that's part of what I love about wrestling. It gives you this set of parameters and says "What will you do with this?". I've always needed a little direction, myself, and so I love seeing the creativity that flows out of these tight spots.

So, when I see someone do something REALLY crazy and unique, I have to share it.

Big Japan Wrestling is a Death Match Organization. I can't begin to tell you the crazy matches they've had. The tame stuff would probably be Bed of Spikes Death Matches or Barbed Wire Light Tube Death Matches. In a lot of ways I think this would be akin to say a Horror genre within movies. That is, something that has art to it, but is looked down upon. It houses some of the ugliest men you'll ever see destroying one another and bleeding all over the place.

With that in mind, they have been putting on these specialty shows for the past few years. What's more special than a Barbed Wire Spider Web Scaffold Match, you may ask?


The shows are equal parts acting, and wrestling. The wrestlers will have a monologue or a scene pre-match and a prologue after the match.

The matches themselves are themed as well. Such as Romeo (Jun) Kasai vs. Juliet (Jaki) Numazawa in a Poison Death Match...Well watch for yourself.

Up next? Macbeth.